Welcome to The Windham Weaponry Newsletter – Vol. 4 / Issue 11 November 2015
Marketing News 
Mark Eliason, VP Sales & Marketing
We’ve been multi-tasking at Windham Weaponry lately – and the result is our incredible new MCS (Multi-Caliber System) Rifle and components. Immediately below, you’ll see 3 complete rifle systems that allow shooting up to 4 different calibers (.223 Rem/5.56mm NATO / .300 Balckout / 7.62 x 39mm / 9mm) by simply changing out barrels, mag wells or bolt carriers as necessary. The beauty of the system is that you can start small and “grow” it as you desire. All components are available individually starting with an Upper Receiver and progressing up through complete rifle systems. Details and pricing for all our MCS Kits and components can be found on www.windhamweaponry.com so get started on your “MultiTask-AR” today!
As always, hunt & shoot safely, and feel free to contact us with any AR related questions.
This Month’s Feature:
Windham Weaponry RMCS-4 Rifle System – 4 Calibers in One!
Model: RMCS-4 MSRP: $ 2971.00
Calibers: .223 / .300 Blackout / 7.62×39 / 9mm
Weight / Length: 8.5 lbs. / 39.5″
Type: Rifle – Semi-Automatic, Gas Impingement System
Magazines: 30 Rd. .223 / .300 Blackout / 7.62×39 (AK Type) – 20 Rd. 9mm
Receiver: Forged 7075 T6 Aluminum – Flat Top Upper Receiver with Integral Mil Std 1913 Railed Forend
Receiver Finish: Hard Coat Black Anodize Finish
Bolts: Carpenter 158 Steel
Barrels: 16″ Chrome Lined with A2 Birdcage type Flash Suppressors / 9mm Barrel is Melonite Finished
Barrel Material: 4150M Chrome Moly Vanadium Steel
Rifling: Right Hand Twist appropriate to the specific caliber
Pistol Grip: A2 Black Plastic Pistol Grip
Rear Sight: None – ready for optics or other type accessory sights
Front Sight: None – Mil Std 1913 Rail Gas Block – ready for accessory sights
Packaging: Lockable Rifle Case with Diecut Foam fitted for all components / Black Web Sling / Full Color Operators Manual / Transferable Lifetime Warranty
See your local FFL Dealer to purchase.
Windham Weaponry RMCS-3 Rifle System – 3 Calibers in One

Model: RMCS-3 MSRP: $ 2391.00
Calibers: .223 / .300 Blackout / 7.62×39
Magazines: 30 Rd. .223 / .300 Blackout / 7.62×39 (AK Type)
Other specs similar to RMCS-4 above.
Packaging: Lockable Rifle Case with Diecut Foam fitted for all components / Black Web Sling / Full Color Operators Manual / Transferable Lifetime Warranty
See your local FFL Dealer to purchase.
Windham Weaponry RMCS-2 Rifle System – 2 Calibers in One

Model: RMCS-2 MSRP: $ 1738.00
Calibers: .223 / .300 Blackout
Magazine: 30 Rd. .223 / .300 Blackout
Other specs similar to RMCS-4 above.
Packaging: Lockable Rifle Case with Diecut Foam fitted for all components / Black Web Sling / Full Color Operators Manual / Transferable Lifetime Warranty
See your local FFL Dealer to purchase.
Erik Winter, Gunsmith
Beware that .300 Blackout Ammo can be chambered in a 5.56/.223 chamber with catastrophic results.
This article is a little different from the previous gunsmithing tips and procedures. Since I have seen at least 3 returns come in with this problem I think a warning is in order. It can not be stressed enough to match your ammunition to the markings on the barrel!
The following are photos of a rifle returned for a catastrophic failure due to firing a round of .300 Blackout in a rifle chambered for 5.56/.223
I want people to be aware of this as I have had more than one rifle returned for this type of failure. It’s usually when someone at the range has a 5.56 caliber rifle and they are next to someone that has a .300 Blackout. A round of .300 Blackout gets mixed in with some .223 on the shooting bench and disaster follows. Always pay close attention to the rounds you are loading in your magazine, and never let ammunitions get mixed together on the shooting bench. Don’t let this happen to you!
As you can see in this sectioned barrel the bullet actually gets squeezed down to the smaller bore size and the overpressure makes the gun explode. In this case the lead actually shot out of the middle of the jacket. I have also seen a 110 grain .300 blackout bullet get knocked out of the bore intact after the rifle failed. It ended up being a slug that was .22 caliber, about 1 ½” long and 110 grains.

If you ever have questions about your rifle, you are always welcome to call Windham Weaponry Customer Service (Toll Free: 1-855-808-1888). Shoot Safely!
Cheryl Eliason, Customer Service Manager
This month’s Question is:
Can I get a 16″ Heavy Barrel on your 223/5.56 SRC Upper Receiver Assembly ?
Yes,we do offer a 16″ Heavy Barrel Flat Top Upper Receiver/Barrel Assembly Complete.
P/N UR16FTB $565.00
OR, 16″ Heavy barrel “SRC” Upper Receiver/Barrel Assembly – Less Bolt Carrier & Charging Handle.
P/N UR16FT $420.00
Karen Fogarty, Asst. to VP Sales & Marketing
I just thought you might like to see an upgrade that I made to my Windham AR-15. I ran across a barrel that was in the caliber I was looking for, a 6.5 Grendel made by Alexander Arms. I bought it and it bolted right up, it is a 24″ overwatch, it was a bit heavy so I added a bipod as well. Still need to find a range that has the required distance, but thought you might like to see the final product.
Wayne G. – Texas
The Best Eva!!! Just want to tell you at Windham Arms your AR15 is the best weapon I own! A 6 inch plate at 200 hundred yards 195 out of 200 rounds . Thank for your hard work! I tell every one that sees the shooting it’s a Windham and you will not regret the purchase.
Again, Thank You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul K.
Subject: Re: New 223/5.56My brother and Dad have a growing gun shop. They are committed to selling local products if at all possible. I just acquired a new AR which I always wanted, but the funds went in another direction. I shot the weapon with 55 grain factory FMJ at 100 yards off bench with an inexpensive scope. 30 shots including sighters are under 3 inches. With the last ten we’re 1/2 inch group. Dad and I are still smiling.
Guy P.
Here’s a Target shot by “Cap’n Jack” with his Windham VEX…
To send Newsletter comments or suggestions, contact:
Matt Hasty – Retail Sales Manager
Windham Weaponry Deluxe Armorer’s Kit
Price: $ 340.00
Windham Weaponry has assembled all the necessary tools for AR15/M16 Armorers work into one convenient kit. These are high quality, American made tools that are used every day in the Windham Weaponry factory. This Delux Kit includes a sturdy Plano Tool Box with folding handle, upper small parts storage compartments, and locking latch. Tools include: a Lower Receiver Vise Block; A Bench Block; an Upper Receiver Vise Block; an Armorer’s Wrench Multi-Tool; a set of 4 Starret Drift Punches; a 5 piece set of Roll Pin Starter Punches; 3 Headspace Gauges (Go, No-Go & Field); A Push Pin Tool; a 4 oz, Ball Peen Hammer; a long straight blade 5/16″ screwdriver; an A1/A2 Sight Adjustment Tool; a 3/16″ T-Handle Allen Wrench and a 1/16″ Allen Wrench. All tools are also available individually on our website.
Windham Weaponry Standard Armorer’s Kit
Part #: KIT-ARM
Price: $ 199.00
Also available is our Standard Armorer’s Kit. It includes: the Plano Tool Box as well as a Lower Receiver Vise Block; an Armorer’s Wrench Multi-Tool; a set of 4 Starret Drift Punches; a 5 Piece Set of Roll Pin Starter Punches; a “Go” Headspace Gauge; A Push Pin Tool; a 4 oz, Ball Peen Hammer; a long straight blade 5/16″ Screwdriver; an A1/A2 Sight Adjustment Tool; a 3/16″ T-Handle Allen Wrench and a 1/16″ Allen Wrench.
NOTE: All tools are also available individually on our website. See them with this link to our

Todd J. Coons, VP Law Enforcement & International Sales
What’s New in LE
November has brought some great changes to the Windham Weaponry complex here in Windham, Maine. The Windham Indoor Shooting Range and Retail Store are now open and we here at WW are very excited. We are going to be having an Open House on November 21st and we anticipate a very large crowd in attendance for this. Here are details on the Open House.
The new indoor range is going to bring about all kinds of training opportunities for law enforcement and individuals around the country, so please take a moment and check out the website for the range: www.windhamindoorshootingrange.com to see what a terrific facility it is.
From now until the end of December, I’m going to be highlighting our new Armorer’s Kits. We have two kits that will meet the needs of individuals and departments alike. They are shown in the Featured Retail section of this newsletter, or see them at www.windhamweaponry.com
Please contact Cindy or me for pricing Tcoons@windhamweaponry.com or Cthompson@windhamweaponry.com 1-855-808-1888
November is also bringing some travel for me. I’ll be heading to Tennessee on the 15th as I will be attending the TLETOA Conference in Gatlinburg. If you are planning on attending, please be sure to come by the booth to say hello. Windham Weaponry is also sponsoring a 2 day Armorer’s Course at the conference.
From Gatlinburg I’ll be flying to Chicago to the ITOA Conference from the 21st to the 24th. I will be giving away a complete Windham Weaponry Upper Receiver for the SRC Flat top rifle at the show, so please come by the booth to register for the drawing.
Stay safe out there,
Todd J. Coons
Vice President, Law Enforcement & International Sales
Windham Weaponry on AR15.com
We regularly respond to questions and topics on this informative website.
Contact Us:
Windham Weaponry, Inc.
999 Roosevelt Trail / PO Box 1900
Windham, Maine 04062 U.S.A.
Tel: 207-893-2223
Fax: 207-893-1623
Phone Sales/Customer Service:
Toll Free: 1-855-808-1888
Your feedback is always welcome. Feel free to send us photos of how you enjoy using your Windham Weaponry rifle. We would love to hear from you. Please contact us through www.windhamweaponry.com or